Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The Present Scenario of Rural Development of India

India was a British colony. On 15th August India earned his independence. Since independence, India had many problems. Political problem is one of the major issue after independence. On the other hand India also has many internal problems. Different communities with different identities demanded different rights for their communities. In 1950 Government set up a planning commission to build up a proper economical development for India. After independence India has adopted a mixed economy as economic development policy . In 1947 47% population was under below poverty line. In 1964-64 this situation went up again in 1977-78 again went up. But presently world bank estimates that a third of the global poor reside in India. Agriculture is the main key factor for developing any country. But the level of productivity of agriculture in India is very much poor according to it’s population. The population during the last 45 years has increased at the rate of 2.2% per annum.

The improper utilization of human resource is one of the main reason behind the poverty of India. The continuous and steep price rise has added to the miseries of poor. But in modern situation corruption is one of the biggest problem of our country and is one of the biggest reason for poverty in India the corrupted leaders etc had eaten up all the money of our country. The big relationship exists between rural development and poverty. Agricultural sector can play in rural development, poverty as well as overall development. Rural development is a policy to develop the standard of living in non-urban neighborhoods, countryside and remote villages. Education, food and shelter are three major requirement for every citizen of India whether a child resides in a high profile society or in a far away not so developed secluded village. Schools in rural areas are promoted to raise the level of education and literacy in rural India. There are very few schools are in rural areas in India. These school provide uniform, food to enhance basic education. There are few major differences between urban education and rural education. Urban education is more advanced than rural education. School infrastructure of urban education is more developed than rural education. Rural schools are less advanced than urban schools. But most of the people belong to very lower middle class family. So most of the time they can’t provide education to their children. From this point of view child labor arise. Child labor is not the child work. Child work may also enhance the growth of the mental, physical of the child labor. Mainly ignorance of education of a parents and unemployment are two main issue behind the child labor. The proper increment of family income, basic education that helps children to build up a successful carrier and the family control of fertility are the three major solution to recover our society from this big issue. So rural development depends on all these factors. For a long years most of the Indian ngo are committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. So it is our moral responsibility to donate to ngo to help underprivileged people of rural areas.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Non –Government Organizations: A Help to Rural and Tribal Development in India

Education is considered to a basic necessity. It helps us to face the world and it widens our mind and improves the quality of our thinking. Education provides us better quality of life. From an independent study it has been shown that compared to the urban life rural India has got more number of schools in the elementary level and most of them are controlled by the government. But how much this has changed the condition of rural education?

Rural education – Indian scenario

Education is the platform for better life as well as developing oneself as a better person too. Without going deeper into the matter in the field of education in rural India no endeavour of providing rural schools for education can be complete and successful. Till few years back the situation was not so improving but today there has been a lot of improvement especially in the rural areas of Jharkhand and Bihar.
Rural schools in these areas were established with some goals in mind, like to encourage children to go to school and continue studies, which to a great extent has been improved but still there are certain issues that stops this endeavour from being a total success the important of which is the monetary problem, lack of infrastructure and inadequate transport facilities which still stops many rural dwellers to send their children to schools.
Though the quality of education in the rural areas is improving bit by bit but there is still lot to go. The basic standard is still not up to the mark. If these sectors are taken care of, then rural education India will definitely shine one day.

Education of tribes in India

Tribal people in India are the oldest residents of the country and they numbers almost more than forty million. But unfortunately they are the most neglected in terms of basic requirements as well as education. They mostly remain isolated from the society and the national culture which is why they need special consideration to be able to the part of the mainstream society and culture in India.
One of the biggest help that they need at present is regarding tribal education. Through education they can be joined with the national integration and government is working on that. But the result is yet to be a successful one.

Contribution of NGOs in the development of rural and tribal education

Alongside government undertaking non –government organizations or NGOs as they are popularly known has come forwards towards the development of rural and tribal people. We all know that rural or tribal people are those who dwell in such areas where basic amenities and education and learning opportunities are very less but through education ngo their problem of education has been solved to a great extent. Through charity in India these ngos provide lots of facilities to these backward people and is helping them to move forward. They even give chance to the common people to join hands in this mission by way of donate India. Charity education in India popularised by the ngos has appeared to be a great help to the government in changing the lives of the rural and tribal people in India.
To get more information about donate India ngo works do visit www.ftsindia.com.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Giving Preference to NGO is at Vital Stage

NGO refers to a non-governmental organization; it is basically an organization which is operated by legal bodies but is independent of any legal or governmental control. The main focus of these organizations is social welfare. There are a few NGO’s in India which are basically funded by the government. But to retain the non-governmental status it restricts the involvement of any particular government organization. NGO’s have come forth in existence from about 19970’s in India and have shown tremendous growth since then, not only in achieving its goals but also verifying the government rules and laws to make it more public oriented. The main cause of establishing such organization was social welfare. Common public have to compromise a lot with the government which is often overlooked by the government due to some faulty officials at duty. However an NGO registers and resolves such issues. There are various NGO’s in India like “Being Human”, “ASHA”, etc, Different NGO’s may have different social target to achieve. Like some fight for public rights or human rights, some for retarded children, some for AID’s patients, etc, there are almost twenty thousand big NGO’s working on different social issues and resolving them daily. Everyone and anyone are free to donate in an NGO to help the cause. There are various programs held by the NGO’s across the Globe and in India for awareness and donations still the stats reveal that the results are not up to mark.

NGO’s in India has undoubtedly done a great job and has served thousands of being across the nation. Its day to day activities are the reason for the supply of food to thousands of young students who cannot afford two time meal a day. Charity in India may not only serve an NGO with money donations but also by being a part of it and helping with its activities like physically being present there or most importantly increasing the volume of rural education and tribal education for their better tomorrow. Common people from our own community and groups take their time out and serve an NGO. Now a days in India every star or Bollywood personality have their own NGO whom they support in a regular basis, not just for fame but they know that a human served, is God served. It is our duty to step in front and look after the others if we are capable to do so, if not with money then at least with its regular programs by being a part of it.

Being associated to an NGO also offers one social group to gather along for a cause so demanding, the feeling of being a responsible citizen, learning new ideas and thoughts, meeting and socializing with a people who come from diversified background, ethics, being basic, being down to earth is all that matters when you know what you are doing. This article is not just a lecture to raise donations, but we would be happy if we raise a human with its soul. Donating money just not solves everything. There are a heck lot of things like planning of ideas, execution of them, maintaining decorum, discipline etc everything counts. So my earnest request is help if you can, not just monetarily but also with your presence.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Rural Education and Development: a new wave of Light

For any Indian NGO or other NGO operating in India, things can get tough at times. With socio-political factors plaguing the whole nation, development is definitely on top of things to do at the moment. But despite the poor conditions and the harsh way things are going on, NGOs of India are toiling hard to promote rural education throughout the country. A huge amount of effort goes into building proper plans and strategies. In terms of education NGO is the best choice as they work with a lot of dedication and effort.

The role of NGOs in development of rural India is really appreciable as they are the pallbearers of education and development. Throughout the nation, a large number of such organisations have sprung up. All of them have taken the oath of serving mankind. With rural education programmes and other developmental projects in the pipeline, these organisations are working with a very high speed. Covering huge spectra of rural life, these people are hiring all sorts of professionals from doctors to engineers, for the noble cause. But, many may be curious enough to know the source of revenue for these companies.

Large business groups and corporate houses are responsible for donating money to these NGOs. In fact, many of the leading Indian companies have NGOs which directly operate under their owners. From industrialists to film stars and from sportsmen to social workers, many golden hearted celebs often come forward to help the NGOs in their mission to develop Indian villages. As told by some great man, real India can truly be found in the villages. So, an Indian NGO actually gets a lot of support from the society. But, what makes it so difficult for these organisations to flourish.

First and foremost reason is the political scenario of the nation. Due to excessive nationalisation of the economy, the people have no option but to avail the schemes of the government. In order to stop privatisation, the government often obstructs the operations of several NGOs. Added to it is the hostile socio-economic ambience of the nation. Many organisations from the west are nowadays thinking twice before coming to India. Whatever be the scenario, the people with the zest of working are toiling really hard. We, the general people need to support the NGOs and our government in their plans and schemes to develop the rural portions of the nations.

Rural education and development is instrumental in development of the whole nation as still today, most of the Indian population lives in villages. Developing the rural sections of the society would bring about inclusive development of our nation. It is expected that the great people of our society will go ahead with the NGO India and bring in a new ray of hope. That day is not very far away when literacy, education, roads, electricity and good water-supply shall be trademarks of every Indian village. On that very day, we will realise what these NGOs from in and out of the nation have done to us.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

NGOs Role to Eradicate Illiteracy of Rural India

What is now the most commonly applied term about India used in the international community? A fast growing economy? An aspiring superpower? India shining? Certainly such terms are a relief from the constant allegations against the country that we come across every day. India a country of malnourishment, low literacy, child sexual abuse, foeticide, dowry, corruption, unemployment and the sheer numbers of people living below the poverty line. Question is, when we look at a country, do we tend to shield the underprivileged and deprived as they are embarrassing and not conducive to our ‘image’ worldwide? Suspicious indeed.

Let us isolate and take the issue of literacy in Rural Schools of India. The literacy rate is certainly one of the key indicators of the socio-economic progress of the nation and directly influences a wide range of issues such as unemployment, poverty, population growth (a higher literacy rate is linked to family planning and use of contraceptives). The statistics are quite disturbing. The census shows that the literacy rate has grown in India from 12% at the end of British era to 74.04% in 2011. The census shows a growth of 9.2% in the literacy rate between 2001-11 which is in fact, quite slow. To top it there is a wide gender difference in the literacy rate, that of men being 82.14% for men and 65.46% for women. There is also a large disparity between the rural and urban India, the census of 2001 showing 58.7% and 79.9% as the literacy rates of rural and urban India respectively.

When we look at the need of reforming the educational infrastructure in the rural areas is quite urgent for rural development The only way to cause upliftment among the rural community is to spread literacy among them. The problem is difficult to deal with since in rural areas, education is not seen as a means of subsistence. So the rural schools, where present, suffer from lack of attendance. The government is certainly making efforts to change this (introducing mid day meal in government run rural schools for instance) but its efforts alone are proving insufficient.

Thankfully, many NGOs have come to the forefront in our country to aid the government in its efforts. They are working actively and enthusiastically for spreading literacy in the rural areas. In a way they can be said to be bridging the gap between contemplation and implementation of rural development initiatives undertaken by the government. Often such NGOs earn government sponsorship which allows them more space to conduct their welfare activities. Being non-profit organizations they have to rely largely on donation India to pursue their activities and many like minded people and organizations have actively stood up in their support. The rural socio-economic scenario needs to change and change it will. NGO India consisting of people from various walks of life who have voluntarily stood up for a noble cause offer us a ray of hope.

The large population of India is seen to be the biggest deterrent in its growth and progress. But concerted efforts by the NGOs India hand in hand with the government have offered us a hope that our handicap may be transformed into our biggest strength. With the proper approach to dispensing education to the rural community that includes vocational courses, we might become the largest producer and harnesser of human resource worldwide.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

NGO s India Supports to Serve a Lot Number of Deprived People

Rural schools look single challenges daily for rural development. For instance, because of financial support and class size matters, they frequently are not bright to present a diversity of classes. Study further concerning the subjects appeared by rural schools by the techniques that can be employed to look these confronts.
Sustainable rural development has three main fractions; monetary, civic and environmental. The monetary section promises that financial benefits persist, the common element lets the endurance of conditions to stay unrestricted in a position and the environmental component stands methods that do not damage the soil. This way Indian NGO is acting as an active role in rural development.

The cause behind a trade bargain is performing trade by the supporters and growing customers for its consequences. To achieve this trade needs to be registered by a brand which gives it a legal individuality. This process is explained as company amalgamation.

Company amalgamation in the niche depends upon its commercial actions like solutions, production and so on, liabilities or assets, connection among the Government, communal and personal where the business is listed as overseas or Indian and management of shareholders.

The worldwide proverbs, “Water is life” is recognized to everyone. An instant in life might barely be washed-out devoid of water. Pure fresh drinking water is the mere dream of millions of the earth residents.

Governments and managers in different places of the earth are using millions of bucks to carry the clean drinking water for their citizens. A lot of nations in the African and Asian areas are leaving in complete strangle to attain the objectives of the United Nations. Indian NGO is responsible for the enhancement of rural education. This way rural development is performed and rural people are getting privileges.

Growth in the distant part is among the main issue for the development of a nation's financial system. India is marked with over 900 villages. States similar to Gujarat, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan are admired for many rural chunks. Bulk of the village parts, depend on farming output and little size businesses based on handiwork, fisheries, rooster plus dairy farmhouses.

Requirement for food is supposed to be twice by the year 2030, as well as nourish and bio-power requirement. Cultivation must augment its effectiveness to assemble that requirement on fewer lands and with less water. In addition, to decrease the pressure on the surroundings, ecological solutions and pioneering assessments have to be believed for extended tenure sustainability.

This is one of a lot of areas that NGOs India attempt to assist the deprived and the needy. Satisfying the children rights is single of the vital social services that an India NGO can do since little children do not have accent of their own for lifting their anxieties in the world and frequently their limitation is used.

Children NGO s India attempts to suit the accent of this unspoken set of individual. They can not achieve anything if they will not obtain support from the society and other people. Consequently it is every one's liability to bear children NGOs India in any potential means.

This has been set off by the nationwide spatial policy which looks for to increase financial enlargement consistently all through the nation by making increase centers and orbital road passages in a variety of places. In general the endogenous advance has helpful results for the renewal of rural development.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Your Contribution to NGO Can Hurry the Tribal Education Development

The tribal in India are far beyond the light of the education and modern civilization and Indian NGO can feel it. They even cannot speak in Hindi or English properly. They use their tribal languages to express their feeling. NGO India is working as charity in India and work for those tribal people.
Indian NGO is also working as charity in India for the other neglected people of rural India. Some prime mottos of this Indian NGO are to provide basic education to the tribal children, education regarding healthcare, development and empowerment with NGO India as charity in India.
NGO India thinks that the education is the topmost preferred after the three major factors food, cloth and shelter that are the primary condition for living. It is the weapon of the common mass to take away the dark of ignorance and superstitions. So Indian NGO is working like a charity in India through tribal education development.
Although the money is the main factor for living but education is such a big weapon that converts a man to a gentleman with the effort from Indian NGO. We learn to speak, read and write properly with this and this is important to express our feelings. We try to execute in our motto with charity in India.
To continue the welfare of tribal society of India through proper education and training this NGO India needs adequate funds as it works as charity in India. It is one of the charity in India and it is the humble request of this organization to the soft hearted people who feel the pain for the derived tribal and rural people in India to donate funds.
Common people become more conscious with the current socio-economic condition of the country and it is the most powerful tool to achieve the target of the life. A person gains spoken power from the education and he can express himself with the help of proper languages which he learns with the help of education and training.
They are economically weak and lacking proper education and training. FTS is known as Friends of Tribal Society and it is a non government as well as nonprofit seeking organizations in India or India NGO. It is working as charity in India for the welfare of the tribal and their upliftment through proper education because Indian NGO believes that the literacy is the best key to progress.
FTS is one of the tribal enriching NGO India and is placing its request to contribute donations for the tribal education enrichment program all over the India. Indian NGO is trying hard to enrich the tribal education since its birth in 1989.
Actually this is suffering from the deficiency of the enormous funds so it cannot be able to achieve its motto which is to spray the education with NGO India among the tribal and the rural to make them conscious about their health, development and empowerment with effort as charity in India. Indian NGO can only touch its mission by adequate funds.
These funds will make this NGO India strong enough to contribute something for the tribal and the rural people of India. There are many NGO India and they are working for the tribal education. This is one of them and cherishes enormous passion to work for the tribal welfare through education with Indian NGO.
Then NGO India worked only for Kolkata and now it is working for 27 chapters in India. Though it dreams for a complete literacy among the Indian tribal children as Indian NGO but it is not successful to achieve its mission on account of the sufficient funds as it works as charity in India.
It is the modest appeal to the people around the world to donate funds that can do enrichment of the tribal through the literacy program with NGO India.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Locate Avenues for the Poor and Needy with NGOs in India

An Indian NGO (Non Government Organization) is any not-for-profit, non-profit citizens' group structured on a local, national or international level for charity in India. They are task-oriented and encouraged by individuals with a common interest of rural education NGO. In reality, they do a several jobs and relief features, bring the problems of the person to Health systems, assistance and observe guidelines along with inspiring governmental engagement through condition of information for charity in India. Some are structured around specific issues, such as human privileges, environment, the indigent or kids and wellness with rural education NGO. With so many issues to handle, rural education NGO in India is the right choice of individuals for contributions and charity in India.
Doing volunteer job in India with rural education NGO and assisting individuals in that nation deal with certain cultural difficulties can be one of the most rewarding and pleasant encounters you can ever have. Rural education NGO will give you an opportunity to modify individual life for the better charity in India. In come back, you will develop as a person, find higher objective in life, and rural education NGO will enhance your understanding and experience lifestyle and touching other life in the process of charity in India.
Volunteering in India with rural education NGO is also a great way to understand new abilities - from discovering to perform as part of a group with different kinds of individuals to establishing and hitting you assisting out Indian goals for charity in India. Education NGO gives you the opportunity to use your enthusiasm or the things you are good at in making an alteration to the group you are assisting out into.
Every rural education NGO company is devoted towards dealing with the issues of individuals in problem and charity in India. The kid rural education NGO is concerned with creating and helping the daily lifetime of inadequate and lacking kids. They make the effort to strengthen the daily lifetime of kids that are found asking on roads, working in producers or shops and cleaning vehicles. Such kids, usually, stay in backwards areas that are ornamented by unclean existing circumstances. The process of such NGO s include offering them heath care treatment, loaded food stuff, apparel, run academic camp and arrange attention programs for their better knowledge. After all, these all activities are used to boost the existing circumstances of inadequate kids and determine a position for themselves in a developed community with charity in India.
If you are willing to give in the form of cash or kind; then, no matter it is NGO Delhi or Mumbai or Chennai or any other position, you can send the cheque or call the executives of the encompassing NGO. Apart from NGOs related to kids, there are NGOs that deal with looking after old outdated individuals. They keep such old individuals, who have been left out by their kids or are missed. Such types of NGOs deal with their wellness issues are on their area for significant assistance and provide them primary requirements of life. After all, they also want assistance by their area to be an associate.
The NGOs, generally, work toward the benefit of desperate, rural education, charity in India and separated type of individuals. They know that what their needs are. To satisfy this, they desire the community to come forward and provide nicely to be a part of a person's progression. Actually, anyone would be happier to strengthen the daily lifetime of those individuals, who hardly have any access to primary conveniences. So, it is always better to do good by creating new ways of progression for charity in India.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Tribal Education as the Torch to Rural Development in India

India is such a country where people of different tastes, languages, religions live. Each of them contributes to the culture of India to make it complete. About 70% of people in India live in village. Most unfortunately after the freedom of India, the rural development in India has been lagging behind than the cities. Development means the all over improvement n a region including the education system, the facilities to improve the socio-economic condition of the people, the transportation and medical treatment facilities etc.

While talking about the lack of rural development, the most critical situation is about the tribal education. In general we can find most of the labors who works in the construction sites, the persons working as security guards, coolies are mostly the rural person who had to leave their education in very early life due to bear the burden of their families. Other reason is that due to the ignorance of their parents about the necessities of studies they lack proper enthusiasm and gets involved in work from very childhood.

The condition is much more pathetic for the tribal people who have been deprived in our society for a very long time. Once they were treated as animals that carry out orders and lives to serve only the people at the upper level of the society. They are the most deprived ones as they were intentionally left apart from the light of education.

In the post freedom situation oaf India many rules were made and steps were taken by the government for their social upliftment. Though the condition has been improved to some extent, but the status of the tribal education in India is still well below the expectation.

The surveys revealed many reasons behind the issue as there is a huge number of dropouts from the school mainly due to the economic condition. They fail to bear the cost of their studies. Besides, there is lack of interest in creating awareness about the necessity of education system. Tribal education is the most powerful weapon that can help in rural development.

There needs modification in the teaching styles too.

Teachers assigned for the projects in rural development must not impose the study on the students. The must be tolerant and caring to make the students realize the joy in studying. In Tribal education English language needs to be stressed so that they can compete with the modern world. Otherwise the purpose will be in vain.

There are groups of kind hearted people, NGO or individuals apart from the government who strives to help the tribal education and consequently the rural development. The NGO volunteers the campaign by visiting the rural India, talking with the people to know their grievances and try to help them. The NGO works in different activities like charity, empowering campaign, service orientation etc. The NGO maintains public relation all over the nation. Their initiatives are often funded by economically strong organizations. The NGO are non government private authorities. To undertake the missions they require huge management structures and staffing. We the citizen of India can contribute for the betterment of our nation by donating them. Unless we participate actively, the Ngo won’t be able to complete 100% of their sacred mission. It is our primary duty to eradicate the illiteracy problem of our children especially for the downtrodden people. As an individual we are nothing. But if we unite with the NGO, we get an already developed stage to perform and thus we can make a difference.